Leaving a Legacy That Lasts a Lifetime - Give the Gift of Hope with MWYF.
Secure your legacy with our tax-efficient giving strategies and help MWYF make a lasting impact on current and future generations.
As a member of The MaliVai Washington Youth Foundation Serving Hope Legacy Circle, you will make a significant and lasting impact while also achieving your personal philanthropic goals. In addition to receiving potential tax benefits as a result of your legacy gift, you’ll receive special reports on our latest initiatives while enjoying opportunities to engage with like-minded supporters who share your passion and commitment for empowering Jacksonville youth. Most importantly, your legacy gift will provide the resources needed to sustain our programs and services for generations to come, helping to fund scholarships, academic enrichment programs, character development initiatives and life skills training that prepare our students for success in all areas of life.
Meet Bill Hendrich, a Serving Hope Legacy Circle Member
Every day of our life we have the opportunity to give back to our community. We also have the opportunity to set a plan in place to benefit those community organizations that are special to us after we pass away. Helen and I have loved being a part of the MaliVai Washington Youth Foundation for many years now. We have seen how our donations benefit students and their families today. That is why we decided to make the foundation a part of our legacy planning so we can continue to help the students and the team at MWYF long into the future. It is easy to work with your attorney or financial professional now to make sure that upon your passing funds from your estate or insurance plans are directed to the foundation. In doing so you can continue to make a positive impact on the lives of the students and their families. If you love the work that the MaliVai Washington Youth Foundation is doing today, we strongly encourage you to include the foundation in your legacy planning so that the great work can continue for many years to come.”
Membership in the Serving Hope Legacy Circle is easy: no immediate donation is necessary. Simply name the MaliVai Washington Youth Foundation as a beneficiary in your will, trust, insurance policy, donor advised fund or foundation.
Your gift may be anonymous, or with your permission, we will gladly and gratefully acknowledge your support. As a member of the Serving Hope Legacy Circle you will receive:
An exclusive Serving Hope Legacy Circle gathering with Founder, MaliVai Washington
Name Displayed at MWYF when your gift is received
Prominent listing in MWYF’s Impact Report
Recognition on MWYF’s website
Special acknowledgment during events
Charitable Bequests
Give a Gift Through Your Will
Designating a bequest to MWYF through a will or trust is one of the simplest ways to extend your legacy of hope to our youth through our program for years to come. This giving option provides significant flexibility as your will can be changed at any time.
Retirement Plan Assets
IRA/Retirement Plans
Similar to giving through a life insurance policy, you can designate MWYF as the beneficiary of a percentage of or all of your IRA or retirement account. When MWYF is a beneficiary, you still own the policy and can change beneficiaries as you like.
Life Insurance
Life Insurance Policies
When giving through a life insurance policy, you can designate MWYF as a beneficiary or as an owner and beneficiary. When MWYF is a beneficiary of your policy, you still own the policy. Your decision can be altered, and your estate will receive a tax deduction at the time of the ultimate gift. When MWYF is the owner and beneficiary, you make an irrevocable decision for MWYF to own the policy. You’ll receive a tax deduction for your paid premiums, as long as the policy is paid up
You can also use trusts to reduce taxes and, if you choose, provide ongoing payments to yourself or loved ones. Trusts are legal entities that hold assets for beneficiaries to inherit eventually. This giving option also provides significant flexibility as your will can be changed at any time. There are several trusts that are available to provide your designated charity with funds:
Revocable Living Trust: A revocable living trust is a document that allows you to place assets or property into a trust so they can seamlessly transfer to your beneficiaries after you pass away. As its name suggests, you can amend or revoke the terms of a revocable living trust at any time. You can also give in a variety of ways. For example, you can give a designated amount or provide a percentage of your estate. Revocable living trusts are one of the simplest ways to donate to MWYF
Charitable Lead Trust: This type of trust provides your designated charities with current income from the trust in the form of interest and asset appreciation payouts. After a specified period (or at death), the balance of the trust is then transferred back to your beneficiaries. This offers the current benefit of donations to charity and reduces taxable income for your beneficiaries.
Charitable Remainder Trust: With this type of trust, you provide assets to the trust, which then pays an income to you or anyone you choose. You can designate payments for a specified period (or for your lifetime and the lifetimes of others receiving payments). When the last person receiving payments passes away, the remaining balance is donated to your designated charities. You’ll receive income and save on taxes immediately while helping children in poverty in the years to come.
Contact our Executive Director at terri@malwashington.com to chat more about the different options for including MWYF in your will or estate plan.
Seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor. Email them now.
If you include MWYF in your plans, please use our legal name MaliVai Washington Kids Foundation, Inc. and federal tax ID: 59-3559150
Let us know, email: terri@malwashington.com
The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor.