My Distance Learning Experience

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The pandemic has disrupted the everyday lives of MWYF students, however, through all the disarray they have been able to adapt and be resilient. The Foundation opened its’ doors for middle and high school students doing distance learning to complete their work at the Foundation in a more safe, isolated environment with access to computers, wifi, printers and supplies. Here’s the perspective of MWYF Student Tywan about how distance learning has affected him and how MWYF has helped him through it:

Hello, my name is Tywan, and I’m going to tell you a little bit about myself. For starters, I’ve been at the Malivai Washington Youth Foundation ever since I was in the eighth grade. I like how we’re able to go on trips (pre-Covid) and I like how when we have activities and special occasions at the foundation. I also like the foundation because it has shaped me to be a better person through its activities. The activities may be fun but also a learning experience, they teach you different things in life and it may give you a different perspective on certain topics. 

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When I first began distance learning, I thought it was quite simple. The reason I thought it was simple is because I knew how to do my work already. Me personally, I like distance learning because it affected me in a good way by making it easier for me to manage my home and school work. When I was doing distance learning, I was still able to maintain a 3.0 and above GPA because I turned in my work on time.

Distance learning is currently the same, meaning it just like regular school, but it’s virtual. All I’m doing is listening to the teacher and doing the homework. MWYF has helped me with my grades and distance learning by encouraging us to do our work and not get Saturday School, and I don’t plan on going because I do my work.

When I go back to school, I hope to do the same as before the virus. What I mean by that is hanging out with my friends and having face to face understanding with my teachers.